DISTRIBUTORS WELCOME ! This document is placed in every shareware evaluation package from Match Software, Inc. It outlines the few requirements needed to distribute such material. Match Software shareware evaluation packages are intellectual property of Match Software, Inc. Although these files are proposed for free evaluation purposes to the public, Match Software reserves all copyrights. Derogation to these rules are only possible with prior permission of Match Software, Inc. Any infringement on Match Software copyright will be subject to the strongest legal action. 1 - Archives as prepared by Match Software must not be modified in any way prior to distribution. Their content must not be modified in any way, would it be by suppression or addition of information. 2 - Archives should not be re-compacted, and remain as prepared by Match Software, Inc. However, CD distributors may use unpacked versions, as long as all the content of the archive is placed in a folder (directory) specially assigned to it. 3 - Under no circumstance any part of Match Software shareware evaluation packages should be used as component of any other software product without prior consent of Match Software, Inc. 4 - Any CD publishing must be approved by Match Software prior to publishing. Authorization can be obtained easily by e-mail, or letter. Match Software reserves the right to refuse authorization if the publisher or it's representative does not provide adequate information about the publishing project. Publishers must also provide Match Software with a sample of the published CD package, as soon as it is available. 5 - On-line services, BBS, Internet sites and other electronic networks are free to distribute on-line Match Software evaluation packages, as long as they respect points 1 through 3. 6 - Magazines who decide to distribute Match Software shareware evaluation packages as part of a promotional disk enclosed with their current copy benefit from our intellectual property. Any such publishing must be prior approved by Match Software. This authorisation is usualy given very easily, but we request the elementary corporate courtesy of them sending us a free copy, as soon as published, for our record, as they would normaly request if any or part of their articles was republished by one of their peers. These requirements as simple and resort to elementary good sense. Match Software prepares these shareware evaluation packages with great care, and updates them regularly, in order for the public to receive the best service as possible. The latest version of our archives are currently available and regularly updated on Compuserve (DTP Forum), and America Online (Mac DTP and Windows forums). Please make sure you get the very latest version before publishing. You will render a service to both yourself and your clients/customers. Shareware is meant for Match Software as a meaningful and sensible way of marketing its products. In doing so, many benefit from the generous efforts of the company : distributors, some of whom without shareware would probably loose a good part of their business, as well as users, who enjoy the privilege to use and test at will quality software before buying it. Nevertheless, we welcome any offer of new ways of distribution, publication or otherwise profitable ventures. The main ingredient of most software products being not plastic or paper, but creativity, we are quite sure some of our new ideas may find in industrious hands a fortunate destiny. Please contact us, if you think Match Software creations can profit your business ! Match Software, Inc. 8205 Santa Monica Blvd. #1-205 West Hollywood, CA 90046-5912 (213) 656-4244 Internet MatchSoft@AOL.com Compuserve 73267,170 ----------------------------------------------------- DOWNLOAD OUR BEST SHAREWARE FONTS FROM OUR WEB SITE : http://www.netvoyage.net/~matchsft http://members.aol.com/MatchSoft ----------------------------------------------------- ftp://members.aol.com/MatchSoft Acknoledgement : "Match Software" is intellectual property of Match Software. All other intellectual properties, such as Trademark and Brand Names mentionned in this document, belong to their respective holders.